Weserwiesen Cids
Weserstr. 155, 12045 Berlin
Opening Hours
Mo.-Fr. from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.*
*Tuesdays until 4 p.m.
Welcome to
Weserwiesen Cids!
We, the "Weserwiesen Cids", have been based in Neuköllner Weserstrasse 155 since 1997 and have more than 100 m² of educational space as well as an approx. 400 m² natural garden just for us alone. This puts us in a position to bring nature closer to children in the city.
At the Weserwiesen Cids day-care center, 22 children from the age of 1 year until they start school are accompanied by appropriate specialist staff.
The opening hours are Mo.-Fr. from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., due to the weekly team meeting, the facility closes at 4 p.m. on Tuesdays.
Zusätzlich zu den vom Land Berlin erhobenen Gebühren nehmen wir derzeit einen Pauschalbetrag von 60€ pro Kind und Monat. Dieser beinhaltet unter Anderem die Kosten für besondere pädagogische Angebote, wie z.B. unser Bienenprojekt und die Bewirtschaftung des Gartens. Ferner gibt es statt Brotdosen von zu Hause das gemeinsame Frühstück und Vesper, welches ebenfalls in der Pauschale inkludiert ist.
Derzeit bieten wir ein vegetarisch vollwertiges Mittagessen in Bioqualität an.
An annual plan regulates our daycare year from 01.08. until 31.07. one year.
since 1994
educational space
natural garden
22 Kids
from the age of 1 year to school entry
By building up a constant, mixed-age children's group, we want the children to have fun.
Experience variety and excitement, and promote their skills and individuality in the course of education.
Our pedagogical rooms, such as the nature and kitchen garden, are designed in such a way that they can be used in different ways by the children and thus represent an invitation to the children's world of experience. Education begins at birth. Here we tie in individually with the child. Goals that we pursue in our pedagogical work form our "Mosaik-WeG".
Mosaik – WeG Structure
Means different ped. Content and focal points that are networked in all our facilities. However, due to the different locations, different weightings are experienced.
- education in everyday life
- documentation and presence
- Gestalt – Pedagogical contact concept
- Clear room concept
- Encouraging the child's competency areas
- pedagogical attitude
- Active implementation of the Berlin Education Program (BBP)